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Yokuke Hontou |
坂宕 翼嘉 |
阪宕 翼嘉 |
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Yokuke Hontou |
坂宕 翼嘉 |
阪宕 翼嘉 |
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Yokuke Hontou |
坂宕 翼嘉 |
阪宕 翼嘉 |
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203, No.21 apartment, Ranktov St. HellCity, Bloodflower Dist. |
Construction worker |
Greek nose |
Wheat |
Beer, Basketball |
Dislikes | Tall people, Ghosts, Influenza |
Yokuke is a construction worker who is straightforward and gets angry quickly. He is friendly when calm, just a slow head. He is easy to talk because of his frankness and doesn't hide his real thoughts. Although his expression did not show, He highly respects for Aramichi. |
ヘル市 - ブラドフラワー区 - ランクトフ通り - No.21 アパート - 203 |
建設労働者 |
ギリシャの鼻 ![]() |
小麦 |
ビール、バスケットボール |
嫌いもの |
背の高い人、幽霊、インフルエンザ |
坂宕翼嘉は単純で爽やかで怒りっぽい建築労働者だ。落ち着いているときは親切だが、反応は遅いだ。 性格は爽やかですので話はちゃんと通じ合う。自分の考え方を隠すなどはしない人だ。彼の表情は示されなかったが、彼は新路を非常に尊敬している。 |
地獄市 - 血花區 - 蘭克托夫街 - No.21 公寓 - 203 |
建築工人 |
希臘鼻 ![]() |
小麥 |
啤酒、籃球 |
不喜歡 |
高大的人、鬼魂、流行性感冒 |
阪宕翼嘉是個單純直爽但特容易生氣的建築工。平靜的時候還是挺和善的,只不過比較遲鈍。 直爽所以很好溝通,從不會隱瞞真實想法。儘管他的表情沒有表現出來,但他十分尊敬新路。 |
004 Education / 教育
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This man had only 6–7 years of public school education. この男は公立学校で6〜7年しか教育を受けていなかった。 |
006 Smoker / 喫煙者
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This man smokes. この男は喫煙する。 "What gives you the damn right to keep our cigarettes piled up on your desk and to squeeze out a pack only when you feel like it, huh?" |
013 Hussar / ハサー
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This man used his weapons less than 600 times. Including the fact that he used to shave with his blade or sword and more. この男は彼の武器を600回未満使用した。刃や刀などでひげを剃っていたということも。 |
048 Small Family / 少人数の家族
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This man was born into a small family with 5-20 siblings. この男は5-20人の兄弟を持つ小さな家族に生まれた。 |
071 Landlubber / ランドラバー
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This man can't swim! この男は泳ぐことができない! |
072 Cooking / 料理
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This man can work as a chef of his team, he can even participate in the cooking competition. この男はチームのシェフとして、料理コンテストにも参加できる。 |
Task Carry / 任務キャリー
Freedom / 自由
- | No Record |
- | No Record |
Dark / 闇
Rank 6
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Rank 0
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Rank 0
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Rank 0
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4 / 4 位
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Cleave 斬撃 劈斬 |
Yokuke uses his weapon Technique Type: Choose a target and Direct attack △ This skill can choose a Projectile and deal damage to it |
翼嘉は武器 技の種類:ターゲットを選択し、直接攻撃 △ このスキルは発射物を選択してダメージを与えることができる |
翼嘉使用他的武器 技能類型:選擇目標並直接攻擊 △ 此技能可以選擇投射物並對其造成傷害 |
Cast Range: 320
Cast Animation: 0.6s
Stiff effect Immunity during Cast: NO
Can use this skill while moving: YES
[Damage the target will take]
Damage: 11,040
△ 600% of WFT Damage Basic Numbers
Damage Type:
Physical (100%)
△ 600% × WFTダメージ基本数
△ 600% × WFT傷害基本數字
[Special effect(s) the target will take]
Stiff effect
Effective Point: After the damage succeeds
Duration: 0.3s
[Weapon Checkmate]
Additional damage: +12,000
↑ Conditions: The suffix for the target's main weapon is colon
Additional Damage Type:
Psycho (100%)
Additional Damage Level: Advanced
↑ 条件:ターゲットの主な武器のサフィックスがコロンである場合
↑ 條件:目標的主要武器的後綴是大佐
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Cleave Wave 斬撃ウエーブ 斬擊波 |
Yokuke uses his weapon “Deathserge” to create a cleave wave rushes to a target.
Technique Type: Choose a direction and create a Projectile
Projectile flying Distance: 1500
Projectile flying Speed: 800
△ Projectile deals damage to the first person it touches
△ The person who hit by the Projectile is seen as the target of the skill
Projectile level: Inferior
△ The projectile in flight can be destroyed by one hit with more than 14,000 Physical damage
翼嘉は自分の武器 「デスサージ」を使ってターゲットに突進する劈開波を作成することができる。
技の種類:方向を選択 して発射物を作る
△ 発射物は最初に触れた人にダメージを与える
△ 発射物に当たった人がこのスキルのターゲットと見なされる
△ 飛行中の発射物は、14,000以上の 物理的ダメージで1回のヒットで破壊することができる
△ 投射物對其接觸的第一個人造成傷害
△ 被投射物擊中的人被視為技能的目標
△ 在飛行中的投射物可以被超過14,000的 物理傷害一擊銷毀
Cast Animation: 0.4s
Stiff effect Immunity during Cast: NO
Can use this skill while moving: YES
[Damage the target will take]
Damage: 10,120
△ 550% of WFT Damage Basic Numbers
Damage Type:
Physical (90%)
Air Energy (10%)
[Special effect(s) the target will take]
[Weapon Checkmate]
Additional damage: +12,000
↑ Conditions: The suffix for the target's main weapon is sold
Additional Damage Type:
Psycho (100%)
Additional Damage Level: Advanced
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Punch パンチ 拳擊 |
Yokuke uses his fist to hit a target, like a karate player.
Technique Type: Choose a target and Direct attack
△ This skill can choose a Projectile and deal damage to it
△ このスキルは発射物を選択してダメージを与えることができる
△ 此技能可以選擇投射物並對其造成傷害
Cast Range: 90
Cast Animation: 0.5s
Stiff effect Immunity during Cast: NO
Can use this skill while moving: YES
[Damage the target will take]
Damage: 12,880
△ 700% of BFT Damage Basic Numbers
Damage Type:
Physical (100%)
△ 700% × BFTダメージ基本数
△ 700% × BFT傷害基本數字
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Fendoff passive 防御パッシブ 抵擋被動 |
A talent from the cute Evilslav.
Yokuke has a 22% chance of decrease 16,400 damage by other’s one Common-attack, and fending off
Stiff effect
Effect of Flexibility: He has a 15% chance to use his skill once for free (After the skill is used, the points Cost will be returned. This effect is equivalent to a regeneration)
△ But not including Expert skill
Injury effect: If his Health points less than 35%, Movements speed will be reduced by 40
△ エキスパートスキルは含まれない
△ 不包括專家技能
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Loser's protection 敗者の保護 敗者保護 |
The mysterious power of his Evilslav.
When this person's Health points less than 10%, he can surrender to the opponent and get a buff of the loser's
No attack will kill him, as long as his heart is not removed or he is decapitated, he will not die
この人のヘルスポイントが 10%未満の場合、相手に降参して敗者の保護のbuffを取得することができる
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Skullscrofa Blow 顱骨の強打 顱骨暴擊 |
Yokuke mixes his abilities that he can gather wraiths into the hand, then he can to strike a target with his maximum power.
Material(s): Bubonic Wraith
Technique Type: Choose a target and Direct attack
△ This skill can choose a Projectile and deal damage to it
Energy points Cost: 4
Cooldown time: 5s
If Yokuke using this skill when his Energy points less than 32, the Cooldown time becomes 8s
Power points Cost: 5
Yokuke cannot use this skill when he has less than 10 Power points
材料: 黒死亡霊
△ 此技能可以選擇投射物並對其造成傷害
材料: ビューボニックレイス
△ このスキルは発射物を選択してダメージを与えることができる
Cast Range: 300
Cast Animation: 0.5s
Stiff effect Immunity during Cast: NO
Can use this skill while moving: YES
Key combination: DC + Space
Charge Time: 2s
△ The charging motion will be affected by a weak or strong interruptions of others' skill
If Yokuke's Health points between 30% and 70%, The charge time will be reduced to 1s
If Yokuke's Health points less than 30%, The charge time will be reduced to 0.5s
[Damage the target will take]
Damage: 40,825
△ 1560% of BAE Damage Basic Numbers
Damage Type: Physical (30%)
Curse Energy (70%)
Reduces the target's Power Points: 15
If Yokuke using this skill when his Energy points less than 22, the damage will reduce Curse Energy by 10,000
[Special effect(s) the target will take]
Stiff effect
Effective Point: After the damage succeeds
Duration: 0.8s
[Rank repression]
Additional damage: +10,000
↑ Conditions: The target has an Ability of Wraith (Rank 0 to Rank 5)
Additional Damage Type: Curse Energy (100%)
Additional Damage Level: Advanced
[Absolute repression]
Additional damage: The Curse Energy part of the damage will become 200%
↑ Conditions: The target has an Ability of Soul (Rank 0 to Rank 7)
Additional Damage Level: Advanced
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Skullscrofa Galhand 顱骨のギャルハンド 顱骨蓋爾手 |
Yokuke mixes his abilities that he can create a giant hand to grab a target.
Material(s): Bubonic Wraith +
Fool Shadow
Technique Type: Choose a target and Direct attack
△ This skill can choose a Projectile and deal damage to it
△ This skill can destroy a Normal Projectile
Energy points Cost: 10
Cooldown time: 25s
If Yokuke using this skill when his Energy points less than 30, the Cooldown time becomes 33s
Cast Range: 580
Cast Animation: 0.6s
Stiff effect Immunity during Cast: NO
Can use this skill while moving: NO (It will cause the movement to stop)
Key combination: SD + Space
Charge Time: 1.5s
△ The charging motion will be affected by a weak or strong interruptions of others' skill
[Damage the target will take]
Damage: 41,348
△ 1580% of BAE Damage Basic Numbers
Damage Type: Curse Energy (65%)
Dark Energy (35%)
Reduces the target's Power Points: 13
If Yokuke using this skill when his Energy points less than 30, the damage will reduce Curse Energy by 12,000
[Special effect(s) the target will take]
Stalled effect
△ During this effect, the target cannot Move or Jump
Effective Point: After the damage succeeds or fails
Duration: 4s
Oppress effect
△ The target loses some Energy points, and EP. regeneration will be blocked for a short time
Effective Point: After the damage succeeds
Energy points Loss: 15
Block Duration: 15s
△ It will block all Energy points regeneration, including the mechanics of skills
[Rank repression]
Additional damage: +10,000
↑ Conditions: The target has an Ability of Wraith (Rank 0 to Rank 5)
Additional Damage Type: Curse Energy (100%)
Additional Damage Level: Advanced
[Absolute repression]
Additional damage: The Curse Energy part of the damage will become 200%
↑ Conditions: The target has an Ability of Soul (Rank 0 to Rank 7)
Additional Damage Level: Advanced
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Skullscrofa Slash 顱骨の裂く斬 顱骨猛斬 |
Yokuke mixes his abilities to attach on his weapon “Deathmiral” that he can chop all people in front of him.
Material(s): Bubonic Wraith +
Ranger Flame
Technique Type: Create an Area attack
△ The Area attack of this skill will affect Projectiles and deal damage to it
Energy points Cost: 4
Cooldown time: 10s
If Yokuke using this skill when his Energy points less than 24, the Cooldown time becomes 20s
Power points Cost: 6
Yokuke cannot use this skill when he has less than 18 Power points
Effect Range: 350 in front of Yokuke
△ People in the range are seen as targets of the skill
Cast Animation: 0.5s
Stiff effect Immunity during Cast: YES
Can use this skill while moving: NO (It will cause the movement to stop)
Key combination: SA + Space
[Damage the target will take]
Damage: 41,520
△ 1730% of WAE Damage Basic Numbers
Damage Type: Physical (50%)
Fire Energy (20%)
Curse Energy (30%)
Reduces the target's Power Points: 8
[Special effect(s) the target will take]
Stiff effect
Effective Point: After the damage succeeds
Duration: 0.7s
[Rank repression]
Additional damage: +10,000
↑ Conditions: The target has an Ability of Wraith (Rank 0 to Rank 5)
Additional Damage Type: Curse Energy (100%)
Additional Damage Level: Advanced
[Absolute repression]
Additional damage: The Curse Energy part of the damage will become 200%
↑ Conditions: The target has an Ability of Soul (Rank 0 to Rank 7)
Additional Damage Level: Advanced
[Weapon Checkmate]
Self-enhancement: Yokuke's Strength value will increase by 10 and all related status or skills will be affected
↑ Conditions: The suffix for the target's main weapon is colon
Duration: The same as the cooldown of this skill
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Skullscrofa Galfist 顱骨のギャル拳 顱骨蓋爾拳 |
Yokuke mixes his abilities that he can create a giant fist rushes forward.
Material(s): Bubonic Wraith +
Ranger Flame +
Fool Shadow
Technique Type: Create an Area attack
△ The Area attack of this skill will affect Projectiles and deal damage to it
Energy points Cost: 5
Cooldown time: 8s
If Yokuke using this skill when his Energy points less than 10, the Cooldown time becomes 16s
Effect Range: 480 in front of Yokuke
△ People in the range are seen as targets of the skill
Cast Animation: 0.8s
Stiff effect Immunity during Cast: NO
Can use this skill while moving: NO (It will cause the movement to stop)
Key combination: ASDC + Space
[Damage the target will take]
Initial Damage: 22,400
△ 1750% of EFT Damage Basic Numbers
Damage Type: Curse Energy (26%)
Fire Energy (50%)
Physical (24%)
Second damage:4,000 per Second
Damage Type: Fire Energy (100%)
Duration: 5s
[Special effect(s) the target will take]
Knockback effect
Effective Point: After the damage succeeds or fails
Knockback Distance: 500
Knockback Duration: 0.5s
△ Can weak-interrupt the target's action
Oppress effect
△ The target loses some Energy points, and EP. regeneration will be blocked for a short time
Effective Point: After the damage succeeds
Energy points Loss: 8
Block Duration: 5s
△ It will block all Energy points regeneration, including the mechanics of skills
[Rank repression]
Additional damage: +10,000
↑ Conditions: The target has an Ability of Wraith (Rank 0 to Rank 5)
Additional Damage Type: Curse Energy (100%)
Additional Damage Level: Advanced
[Absolute repression]
Additional damage: The Curse Energy part of the damage will become 200%
↑ Conditions: The target has an Ability of Soul (Rank 0 to Rank 7)
Additional Damage Level: Advanced
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General power 将軍のパワー 將軍之力 |
When Yokuke's Health points drops below a certain percentage, all of his strengths increase, gaining the power to turn the tide of the battle.
During General power, The following skills of Yokuke will grant additional damage
↑ Additional Damage Type: Curse Energy (100%)
↑ Additional Damage Level: Advanced
[General power R1: ]
Skill Conditions: Health points less than 70%
Cleave+100% (11,040)
Cleave Wave+100% (10,120)
Punch+200% (25,760)
[General power R2: ]
Skill Conditions: Health points less than 30%
Cleave+200% (22,080)
Cleave Wave+200% (20,240)
Punch+300% (38,640)
Blow+100% (40,825)
Galhand+200% (82,696)
Slash+200% (82,696)
Galfist+300% (67,200)
[General power R3: ]
Skill Conditions: Health points less than 10%
Cleave+400% (44,160)
Cleave Wave+400% (40,480)
Punch+600% (77,280)
Blow+200% (81,650)
Galhand+300% (124,044)
Slash+300% (124,560)
Galfist+500% (112,000)
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Skullscrofa Shoulderguard 顱骨の肩ガード 顱骨肩甲 |
Yokuke mixes his abilities that he can create an armour wear on his shoulder, he will into the Armour mode.
Material(s): Bubonic Wraith +
Fool Shadow
Technique Type: Enhancer (Self)
Energy points Cost: 8
Cooldown time: 42s
If Yokuke using this skill when his Energy points less than 24, the Cooldown time becomes 60s
Cast Animation: 0.4s
Stiff effect Immunity during Cast: YES
Can use this skill while moving: YES
Key combination: AXDC + Space
[Mechanics of Mode]
Armour mode
Duration: 30s
During Armour mode, Yokuke takes all damage will be reduced by 5%
Yokuke has a 100% chance to trigger The Wraiths Recycling after he was attacked. His next common-attack will increase Curse Energy damage by 10,000, and it will reduce the target's 15 Power points and 10 Energy points
[Absolute repression]
Skill enhancement: His next common-attack will increase Curse Energy damage to 50,000
↑ Conditions: The target has an Ability of Soul (Rank 0 to Rank 7)
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Skullscrofa Faller 顱骨のフォラー 顱骨墜落者 |
Yokuke mixes his abilities that he can create a Militia bashes a target with his fist hammer.
Material(s): Bubonic Wraith +
Colonel Thunder
Technique Type: Choose a target and Direct attack
△ This skill can choose a Projectile and deal damage to it
Energy points Cost: 8
Cooldown time: 15s
If Yokuke using this skill when his Energy points less than 32, the Cooldown time becomes 30s
Spirit points Cost: 5
Yokuke cannot use this skill when he has less than 10 Spirit points
Cast Range: 630
Cast Animation (Give an order): 0.5s
Stiff effect Immunity during Cast: NO
Rook's Cast Animation (Interruption Immunity): 0.6s
Can use this skill while moving: YES
Key combination: QSD + Space
[Evilslav's Mechanics]
Rook will appear 30 in front of the target
Rook will not be a target and will not take any damage, but he can block other's Projectile at the moment he appears
[Damage the target will take]
Damage: 39,696
△ 2570% of EFT Damage Basic Numbers + 2000% of Summon value
Damage Type: Electric Energy (70%)
Curse Energy (20%)
Hoofwild Energy (10%)
[Special effect(s) the target will take]
Stun effect
Effective Point: After the damage succeeds or fails
Proc Chance: 100%
Duration: 1s
△ Can strong-interrupt the target's action
Paralysis effect
△ The target will into a state of inactivity for 0.1s every 2 seconds
Effective Point: After the damage succeeds
Duration: 10s
△ Can weak-interrupt the target's action
Oppress effect
△ The target loses some Energy points, and EP. regeneration will be blocked for a short time
Effective Point: After the damage succeeds
Energy points Loss: 6
Block Duration: 4s
△ It will block all Energy points regeneration, including the mechanics of skills
[Rank repression]
Additional damage: +10,000
↑ Conditions: The target has an Ability of Wraith (Rank 0 to Rank 5)
Additional Damage Type: Curse Energy (100%)
Additional Damage Level: Advanced
[Absolute repression]
Additional damage: The Curse Energy part of the damage will become 200%
↑ Conditions: The target has an Ability of Soul (Rank 0 to Rank 7)
Additional Damage Level: Advanced
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Skullscrofa - Rook Minimum height: 7 ft (210) Maximum height: 8 ft (240) |
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Skullscrofa General 顱骨の将軍 顱骨將軍 |
Yokuke mixes his abilities to fuse with himself that he will become a General (into the Transform mode).
Material(s): Bubonic Wraith +
Ranger Flame +
Colonel Thunder +
Fool Shadow
Technique Type: Transformation
Energy points Cost: 30
Cooldown time: 90s
If Yokuke using this skill when his Energy points less than 30, the Cooldown time becomes 270s
Spirit points Cost: 15
Yokuke cannot use this skill when he has less than 15 Spirit points
Cast Animation: 1.5s
Stiff effect Immunity during Cast: YES
Can use this skill while moving: NO (It will cause the movement to stop)
Key combination: ASDZXC + Space
[Mechanics of Mode]
Transform mode
Duration: 60s
During Transform mode, Yokuke doesn't need Energy points cost to use any skill. Other Points cost still needs
Yokuke's walking speed will increase to 340, but he cannot use Run or Rapid Run. His Jump Height will increase to 380
Yokuke's Cast Animation of all Common-attacks and Skills will increase 0.2 seconds
Yokuke's all skills damage will increase by 20%
Yokuke's all common-attacks damage will increase to 300%, and 100% of the damage will turn into Hoofwild Energy, as well as each attack increases an Oppress effect
During Transform mode, Yokuke cannot use: Skullscrofa Shoulderguard, as well as he will not be affected by other people's Armour modes or Powers
[Special effect(s) the target will take]
Oppress effect
△ The target loses some Energy points, and EP. regeneration will be blocked for a short time
Effective Point: After the damage succeeds
Energy points Loss: 2
Block Duration: 1s
△ It will block all Energy points regeneration, including the mechanics of skills
[Absolute repression]
Skill enhancement: The Duration of the Transform mode will increase by 20 seconds
↑ Conditions: The target has an Ability of Soul (Rank 0 to Rank 7)
[Evilslav Checkmate]
Opponent Weakening: The target's all skill damage will reduce by 5%
↑ Conditions: The opponent's Evilslav class is a Lord
Duration: Same duration as the Transform mode of this skill
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Skullscrofa General (King) Minimum height: 12 ft (360) Maximum height: 25 ft (760) |