Other things about people
Notes about life styles
Amuse People from good families, they don't need to care about income. They'll say, “Nothing is true, Everything is permitted.” |
Lackey People who don't care whether they are rich or poor. They live to follow someone who has been kind to them. You don't care if it's good or evil. |
Existence People from well-off families. But they seem to want to prove to their families why they are alive. You don't need to care whether they succeed or fail. |
Survive People from very poor families. They just want to live. |
Rebel People with great political ambitions. You don't need to care whether they succeed or fail. |
遊び 良い家族から来て、収入を気にする必要がない人々。 彼らは「心理は存在せず、許される事など無い」と言うでしょう。 |
追従者 金持ちか貧乏人かを気にしない人々。彼らは彼らに親切であった誰かに従うために生きている。それが善か悪かなんて気にしない。 |
存在 裕福な家族からの人々。しかし、彼らはなぜが生きているのかを家族に証明したいと思っているようだ。それらが成功するか失敗するかを気にする必要はない。 |
生き残る 非常に貧しい家族からの人々、ただ生きたいだけだ。 |
反逆者 大きな政治的野心を持つ人々。それらが成功するか失敗するかを気にする必要はない。 |
好玩 出身名門的人,他們不需要關心收入。 他們會說:“無物為真,諸行皆可。” |
鷹犬 不在乎窮還是富的人們。他們活著是為了追隨對他們好的人。您無需關心它是好是壞。 |
存在 來自富裕家庭的人們。但是他們似乎想向家人證明他們為什麼還活著。您無需關心它們是成功還是失敗。 |
生存 來自非常貧困家庭的人們。他們只是想活下去。 |
反叛 有很大的政治野心的人。您無需關心它們是成功還是失敗。 |
About Basic Personalities
I don't know if you've ever played Mount&Blade.
Upstanding "Peace to you, and always remember to temper your valor with mercy, your courage with honor." |
Martial "Perhaps you are not of gentle birth, but even a commoner, be he of sufficient valor, may make something of himself some day." |
Good-Natured "Well, you look like a good enough sort." |
Quarrelsome "Speak quickly, if you have anything to say, for I have no time to be bandying words with common soldiers of fortune." |
Calculating "Well... I have not heard of you, but you have the look of a man who might make something of himself, some day." |
Pitiless "You have the look of a mercenary, another vulture come to grow fat on the misery of the land." |
Debauched "Normally I cut the throats of impudent commoners who barge into my presence uninvited, but I am in a good mood today." |
Jail of
The origin of weapons, abilities, and summonses. This is not important. これは重要なことではありません。 |
The Jail of Unrealmillion is a dimension created by “Thousdin” - He may be a god. The internal structure of the jail like a tower, near the ghostdom. The Jail is entirely closed, no one can go in and out, including the Unreal officials, gods and Purgato-Fiends. |
Unreal officials アンリアル署員 28 Unreal officials guard the Jail, they representing 49 types of energy abilities, and those energies can be used by people of other dimensions, or are they borrowing it? |
Evilsource 悪の源 Eight million Evilsource are detained in the Jail, they representing the total number of people who have abilities, yes, there are eight million people with abilities in the world - no more, no less, Human and humanoids such as devil. |
Evilslav 邪隷 / エヴィルスラフ Evilslav is cute advanced Summon creatures. They have something to do with the Inferno species. Evilslavs are formed from elements and energies, and the ability user also infuses the Evilslav with his soul. So Evilslavs have independent thinking and can even speak. However, they will never betray their dominus or be controlled by others. Evilslav is edible, but no nutrition. Evilslav is equivalent to a set of skill package. some people can even transform into an Evilslav. People don't study Evilslavs very much. They think it's as normal as a soul or a shadow. Who cares? |
Antihuman Evilslav 反人間の邪隷 Many cute Evilsalvs were born for various reasons to have nothing to do with anyone, namely they are wild, can't be captured, can't be tamed, can't taking afternoon tea with them. |
The Evilslavs of the core forces コアフォースの邪隷 Evilslavs that existed in the middle of the Unrealmillion Jail, they had powers of different purity by Thousdin. They are extremely powerful themselves, in other words, the people who receive their power are particularly lucky? The Evilslavs of the Tarrasque forces: Their power is equal to Level-Inner. |
Rostbite officials ロストバイトの署員 The Jail also imprisoned the souls of the 16 Rostbite officials, their bodies and consciousness are in the earthly world. When the bodies of the Rostbite officials were destroyed, as long as the soul exists forever, Their bodies can be resurrected elsewhere. That means their bodies themselves are part of the earth. |
Wizards of the purgatory インフェルノの鬼才 Wizards are immortal indigenous people in the purgatory, they may be a waiter or a dishwasher or a farmer, but there are always people who wanna defeat the Wizards to prove their own strength, or maybe they wanted something from the Wizards. Will defeating the Wizards unlock the achievements? |