Game design 1
- Type: Action game
ゲームデザイン 1 - タイプ:アクションゲーム
I think it's a hardcore game like Cuphead and Hollow knight
Gameplay mechanics ゲームプレイ メカニクス
Characters in the game version /* Measure a character by the standards of game design */ /* How did they fight? */ /* I just think of what to write */ /* The weak doesn't mean he has poor skills */ /* You can also think of each character as a BOSS or a Hero :D */ |
ゲーム版のキャラクター /* ゲームデザインの基準でキャラクターを測定する */ /* 彼らはどのように戦ったのですか? */ /* 何を書けばいいのか考えてるだけ */ /* 弱者が貧しいスキルを持っているという意味ではない */ /* 各キャラクターをボスまたはヒーローと考えることもできます :D */ |
Basic attributes 「Health」is Character’s health points, 「Energy」is Character’s mana points. You know, no surprise. Character’s movement modes are Walk, Run and Rapid Run. Using the Run mode or Rapid Run mode need Power points cost. During Run 1s = 2 Power Points cost. During Rapid Run 1s = 5 Power Points cost. Everyone's the same. 1 Speed = 1 pixel per Second, or 10 pixel = 10 cm. So you can understand that. A character's Flexibility value gives him a chance to use his skill for free. Condition of Injury effect = 50 minus 10% of Flexibility value. |
基本的な属性 「ヘルス」はキャラクターのヘルスポイント、「エネルギー」はマナポイントです。当然のことである。 キャラクターの移動モードは歩く、走る、急走。 走るモードまたは急走モードを使用するには、パワーポイントのコストが必要だ。 走っている1秒 = 2パワーポイントコスト。 急走中1秒 = 5パワーポイントコスト みんな同じだ。 1スピード= 1秒あたり1ピクセル、または10ピクセル= 10 cm。それを理解することがでるでしょう。 キャラクターの適応性値は、彼のスキルを無料で使用する機会を彼に与える。 怪我の影響の条件= 50-適応性の値の10%。 |
基本屬性 “健康”是角色的生命值,“能量”是角色的法力值。你知道的,沒有驚喜。 角色的移動模式為行走、奔跑、狂奔。 使用“奔跑”模式或“狂奔”模式需要消耗體力點數為成本。 奔跑1秒 = 2體力點數成本。 狂奔1秒 = 5體力點數成本 每個人都一樣。 1速度= 每秒1像素,或10像素= 10厘米。這樣你就可以理解啦。 角色的靈活性值使他有機會零成本使用其技能。 重傷效果的條件= 50減去靈活性值的10%。 |
Attacks Character’s Common Attack types are Choose a target or Projectile. Skills are divided into Basic Class, Advanced Class and Expert Class. Skills need Energy points cost, If not, the Character can still use most of the skills. Some skills need Spirit Points or Power Points. |
攻撃 キャラクターのコモンアタックのタイプはターゲットや投射物の選択である。 スキルは基本クラス、上級クラス、エキスパートクラスに分類される。 スキルにはエネルギーポイントコストが必要だ。そうでない場合でも、キャラクターはほとんどのスキルを使用できる。一部のスキルにはスピリットポイントまたはパワーポイントが必要だ。 |
攻擊 角色的普通攻擊類型是選擇目標或投射物。 技能分為基礎級,高級級和專家級。 技能需要支付能量點數,如果不,角色仍然可以使用大部分技能。一些技能需要精神點數或體力點數。 |
Characters' Turn time A person who weighs less than 45 kg: 0.03s A person who weighs between 46 and 55 kg: 0.08s A person who weighs between 56 and 70 kg: 0.1s A person who weighs between 71 and 80 kg: 0.12s A person who weighs between 81 and 95 kg: 0.15s A person who weighs more than 96 kg: 0.18s |
キャラクターのターンタイム 体重が45kg未満の人:0.03秒 体重が46 - 55kgの人:0.08s 体重が56 - 70kgの人:0.1s 体重が71 - 80kgの人:0.12s 体重が81 - 95kgの人:0.15s 体重が96kgを超える人:0.18s |
角色的轉身時間 體重在45公斤以下的人:0.03s 體重在46-55公斤的人:0.08s 體重在55-70公斤的人:0.1s 體重在71-80公斤的人:0.12s 體重在81-95公斤的人:0.15s 體重在96公斤以上的人:0.18s |
Q: How to avoid direct attacks? A: Leaves the cast range immediately during the opponent's cast animation. |
Q:直接攻撃を回避するにはどうすればよいですか? A:対戦相手のスキルのモーション時間中に範囲をすぐに離れる。 |
問:如何避免直接攻擊? 答:在對手的施法動作期間立即離開施法距離。 |
Spirit Points Any skill related to weapons reduces the target's Spirit Points when used once. There are specific skills that have nothing to do with weapons. When the target's Spirit Points are less than 20, He can't use his abilities. When the target's Spirit Points are less than 10, He can't use his weapons. The level of Weapon is D: Reduce Spirit Points by 1-4 The level of Weapon is C: Reduce Spirit Points by 5-7 The level of Weapon is B: Reduce Spirit Points by 8-10 The level of Weapon is A: Reduce Spirit Points by 11-14 The level of Weapon is S: Reduce Spirit Points by more than 15 Some effects vary with each individual |
スピリットポイント 武器に関するスキルは、一度使用すると対象の精神ポイントを減少させる。コモンアタックは含まない。 武器とは関係のない特定のスキルがある ターゲットのスピリットポイントが20未満の場合、アビリティを使用できない ターゲットのスピリットポイントが10未満の場合、武器を使用できない 武器のレベルがD:スピリットポイントを1~4減らす 武器のレベルがC:スピリットポイントを5~7減らす 武器のレベルがB:スピリットポイントを8~10減らす 武器のレベルがA:スピリットポイントを11~14減らす 武器のレベルがS:スピリットポイントを15以上減らす 効果の一部は個人差がある |
精神點數 任何與武器相關的技能使用一次都會減少目標的精神點數 不包括普通攻擊 有一些與武器無關的特殊技能 當目標的精神點數低於20時,他不能使用他的能力 當目標的精神點數低於10時,他不能使用他的武器 武器等級D:減少精神點數1-4 武器等級C:減少精神點數5-7 武器等級B:減少精神點數8-10 武器等級A:減少精神點數11-14 武器等級S:減少精神點數15以上 有些效果因人而異 |
Power Points Any skill related to bare-hand attacks reduces the target's Power Points when used once. Not including common-attacks. There are specific skills that have nothing to do with fists. Reduce Power Points = 0.03% of the damage If a character takes any attack while his Power Points is 0, he will die! |
So How to Play KNZ Well, I didn't think too much because I don't think it's important. I think it looks like DOTA2, Diablo, DeathSpank, Path of Exile etc. But it become a Side-scrolling video game like Megaman, Terraria, Blasphemous, Dead Cells, Shank, Symphony of the Night, Hollow Knight, Neon Abyss etc. /* I don't know how to express my Imaginary things with language, let me try to draw it as best I can. */ /* It doesn't matter. It's just my imagination. You can imagine it */ Press the Mouse button to control attacks and move. Right-click to move your character. Left-click to select your skills target. Press the keyboard to use the Skills hotkey. Click the middle mouse button or Shift can jump and x-axis Jumping while moving. Press number 1-3 keys to change Character’s Common Attack mode. Press 1 to use mode A, 2 to use mode B, 3 to use mode C. Use skills need to press a key combination of QAZWSXEDCRFV with space. |
Weapon Checkmate When weapon A collides with weapon B, there is restraint if the suffix of weapon B is subordinate to the suffix of weapon A. The user of weapon A gains special powers, or it can affects the user of weapon B. We call it Weapon Checkmate. The following are the superior and the subordinate of the weapons: king (King) – monar (Monarch) – minis (Minister) – mander (Commander) – marsh (Marshal) – miral (Admiral) – colon (Colonel) – guard (Guard) – senio (Senior) – mas (Master) – lieut (Lieutenant) – capt (Captain) – serge (Sergeant) – sold (Soldier) – scou (Scout) – resid (Resident) – miner (Miner) – king (King) The superior will not restrain the indirect subordinate. The order is from superior to subordinate and it is circular. Ragon (Dragon) is not within the cycle. Ragon (Dragon) is special. |
Evilslav Checkmate Please refer to "Weapon Checkmate". ↑↑↑ An evilslav's class will also refrain another evilslav's class. The following are the superior and the subordinate of the evilslav's class: General – Lord – Leader – Duke – Knight – Squire – Priest – Judge – Chief – Officer – Professor – Engineer – Master – Instructor – Rider – Berserker – Pioneer – Warrior – Jailer – Player – General The superior will not restrain the indirect subordinate. The order is from superior to subordinate and it is circular. |
Special effect list / 特殊効果一覧
Weakest / Weak-interruption | Strong-interruption | Make Trouble | Damage | Change the values |
Stiff effect 硬直効果 |
Stun effect スタン効果 |
Maim effect 重傷効果 |
Pain effect 痛み効果 |
Oppress effect 抑圧効果 |
Stalled effect 失速効果 |
Frozen effect 冷凍効果 |
Control effect コントロール効果 |
Flammable effect 可燃性効果 |
Tinnitus effect 耳鳴り効果 |
Paralysis effect 麻痺効果 |
Rocky effect 岩場効果 |
Disarm effect 武装解除効果 |
Damp effect 湿気効果 |
Slow effect スロー効果 |
Sleep effect 睡眠効果 |
Wooden effect 木製効果 |
Restrict effect 制限効果 |
Chill effect 寒気効果 |
Haste effect 急ぎ効果 |
Knockback effect ノックバック効果 |
Disturb effect 妨害効果 |
Hunger effect 飢え効果 |
Bleed effect 出血効果 |
Dizzy effect めまい効果 |
Fear effect 恐怖効果 |
Knockdown effect 倒す効果 |
Tension effect 緊張効果 |
Poison effect 毒害効果 |
Weight effect 重さ効果 |
Blind effect ブラインド効果 |
Sunder effect サンダー効果 |
Excitement effect 興奮効果 |
Notes of effects The first special effect in the description of the skill will be executed immediately after the damage is done. If the damage of the skill has a delay time, the first special effect will also have a delay time. Some effects are simultaneous, some sequential. If a skill has more than one effect of Weak-interrupt, Strong-interrupt, or Confine effects, they will be executed in the order written in the skill description Only Damage effects will be executed immediately after a character attacked. Dizzy effect, Oppress effect and Tension effect will be executed immediately after a character attacked. Slow effect and Haste effect will execute in the order written in the skill description.
Stiff effect = Hit time, You know. |
Interruption All Cast Animation of common-attacks or skills will be affected by the weak or strong interrupt of others skill. |
About character’s Tier Tier = The sum of all the values ÷ 17 |
Damage Type list / ダメージタイプ一覧
Physical 物理的 |
Fire Energy 火のエネルギー |
Electric Energy 電気のエネルギー |
Dragon Energy 竜のエネルギー |
Smallwild Energy 小獸のエネルギー |
Psycho サイコ |
Water Energy 水のエネルギー |
Wood Energy 木のエネルギー |
Enormwild Energy 巨獸のエネルギー |
Reptilwild Energy 爬獸のエネルギー |
Blast Energy 爆風のエネルギー |
Heat Energy 熱のエネルギー |
Poison Energy 毒のエネルギー |
Groundwild Energy 地獸のエネルギー |
Skywild Energy 空獸のエネルギー |
Gravity Energy 重力のエネルギー |
Cold Energy 寒のエネルギー |
Souls Energy 魂のエネルギー |
Waterwild Energy 水獸のエネルギー |
Dinowild Energy 竜獸のエネルギー |
Dark Energy 闇のエネルギー |
Air Energy 空気のエネルギー |
Corrosion Energy 腐食のエネルギー |
Hoofwild Energy 蹄獸のエネルギー |
Atomic Energy 原子のエネルギー |
Light Energy 光のエネルギー |
Earth Energy 地のエネルギー |
Curse Energy 呪縛のエネルギー |
Insectwild Energy 虫獸のエネルギー |
Chaos Energy 混沌のエネルギー |
Data formula Calculate something, it's not important. The blue font is data from the character’s profile. Health points = Power × Robust × 200 Health points regeneration (Each interval) = Power × 15 Interval of HP. regeneration = 200 ÷ (100 - Character's Age) (Some people exceptions) Energy points = 100% of Intellect Energy points regeneration (Each interval) = 2% of Intellect Interval of EP. regeneration = 259 ÷ Character's Height (centimeters) Power points = Power × 3 Power points regeneration (Each interval) = 1% of Power points Interval of PP. regeneration = (Power + Speed) ÷ 180 Spirit points = 100% of Spiritual Spirit points regeneration (Each interval) = (The sum of ranks of Character's abilities) + 3 Interval of SP. regeneration = (The sum of proficiency of Character's abilities) ÷ 55.58 Walk speed = Speed + 70 Run Speed = Walk speed + 150 RapidRun Speed = Walk speed + 250 Chance of Fendoff (Evilslav's talent) = Defence ÷ 10 + 5 Decrease the damage = 20 × (Strength + Barehand + Weapon) ( Barehand + Strength ) ÷2 × 6 = BFT Damage Basic Numbers ( Weapon + Strength ) ÷2 × 8 = WFT Damage Basic Numbers Energy × 4 = EFT Damage Basic Numbers ( BFT + EFT Base ) ÷1.2 = BAE Damage Basic Numbers ( WFT + EFT Base ) ÷1.3 = WAE Damage Basic Numbers |
Attack Damage Calculate something, it's not important. Attack Damage is divided into groups: 1- Barehand Fight (Abbreviated BFT) 2- Weapon Fight (Abbreviated WFT 3- Energy Fight (Abbreviated EFT) 4- Barehand add Energy (Abbreviated BAE) 5- Weapon add Energy (Abbreviated WA) |
The percentage = Rank* of abilities × Proficiency for abilities, plus Basic numbers ↓ *Rank 0 will chang to 1 |
Basic numbers of The percentage
Common Attack ● Direct attack |
Tier 1 Characters: 650 (Only weapons: 750) (Only fists: 850) |
Tier 2 Characters: 630 (Only weapons: 730) (Only fists: 830) |
Tier 3 Characters: 520 (Only weapons: 620) (Only fists: 720) |
Tier 4 Characters: 500 (Only weapons: 600) (Only fists: 700) |
Tier 5 Characters: 460 (Only weapons: 560) (Only fists: 660) |
Tier 6 Characters: 450 (Only weapons: 550) (Only fists: 650) |
Tier 7 Characters: 440 (Only weapons: 540) (Only fists: 640) |
Tier 8 Characters: 430 (Only weapons: 530) (Only fists: 630) |
Tier 9 Characters: 420 (Only weapons: 520) (Only fists: 620) |
● Projectile |
Tier 1 Characters: 500 (Only weapons: 600) (Only fists: 700) |
Tier 2 Characters: 490 (Only weapons: 590) (Only fists: 690) |
Tier 3 Characters: 460 (Only weapons: 560) (Only fists: 660) |
Tier 4 Characters: 450 (Only weapons: 550) (Only fists: 650) |
Tier 5 Characters: 410 (Only weapons: 510) (Only fists: 610) |
Tier 6 Characters: 400 (Only weapons: 500) (Only fists: 600) |
Tier 7 Characters: 390 (Only weapons: 490) (Only fists: 590) |
Tier 8 Characters: 380 (Only weapons: 480) (Only fists: 580) |
Tier 9 Characters: 370 (Only weapons: 470) (Only fists: 570) |
● Area attack |
Tier 1 Characters: 750 |
Tier 2 Characters: 700 |
Tier 3 Characters: 640 |
Tier 4 Characters: 620 |
Tier 5 Characters: 580 |
Tier 6 Characters: 560 |
Tier 7 Characters: 540 |
Tier 8 Characters: 520 |
Tier 9 Characters: 500 |
Basic Class ● Direct attack |
Tier 1 Characters: 1080 |
Tier 2 Characters: 1060 |
Tier 3 Characters: 980 |
Tier 4 Characters: 960 |
Tier 5 Characters: 910 |
Tier 6 Characters: 890 |
Tier 7 Characters: 880 |
Tier 8 Characters: 870 |
Tier 9 Characters: 860 |
● Projectile |
Tier 1 Characters: 1000 |
Tier 2 Characters: 980 |
Tier 3 Characters: 950 |
Tier 4 Characters: 930 |
Tier 5 Characters: 900 |
Tier 6 Characters: 880 |
Tier 7 Characters: 870 |
Tier 8 Characters: 860 |
Tier 9 Characters: 850 |
● Area attack |
Tier 1 Characters: 1200 |
Tier 2 Characters: 1150 |
Tier 3 Characters: 1100 |
Tier 4 Characters: 1080 |
Tier 5 Characters: 1000 |
Tier 6 Characters: 980 |
Tier 7 Characters: 960 |
Tier 8 Characters: 940 |
Tier 9 Characters: 920 |
Advanced Class ● Direct attack |
Tier 1 Characters: 2080 |
Tier 2 Characters: 2060 |
Tier 3 Characters: 2000 |
Tier 4 Characters: 1950 |
Tier 5 Characters: 1900 |
Tier 6 Characters: 1800 |
Tier 7 Characters: 1700 |
Tier 8 Characters: 1680 |
Tier 9 Characters: 1660 |
● Projectile |
Tier 1 Characters: 1880 |
Tier 2 Characters: 1780 |
Tier 3 Characters: 1650 |
Tier 4 Characters: 1600 |
Tier 5 Characters: 1500 |
Tier 6 Characters: 1450 |
Tier 7 Characters: 1400 |
Tier 8 Characters: 1380 |
Tier 9 Characters: 1350 |
● Area attack |
Tier 1 Characters: 2280 |
Tier 2 Characters: 2160 |
Tier 3 Characters: 2070 |
Tier 4 Characters: 2020 |
Tier 5 Characters: 1950 |
Tier 6 Characters: 1850 |
Tier 7 Characters: 1750 |
Tier 8 Characters: 1650 |
Tier 9 Characters: 1600 |
Expert Class By my feeling :) |